St augustine food tour

Savory Faire Tour

4 Granada Street
St. Augustine, FL 32804
(904) 825-0087
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Members receive 50% off up to 4 people. Reservations are required and mention Florida HIA for discount.

Your Savory Faire Food Tour begins at our Tour Saint Augustine Inc. reception office located at 4 Granada Street, which runs north/south along the Lightner Museum complex, in the heart of the beautiful Flagler Era Historic district. Your tour begins at 1:30pm so be sure to check in at least 15 minutes prior to receive your tickets and meet your guide and fellow ‘tasters’. Journey from the first Thanksgiving to the present day culinary offerings of St. Augustine. History and folklore is blended with mouthwatering morsels to give you the best of both… it’s the perfect tour for individuals, the whole family or a group of friends.

Parking is recommended in the Villa Zorayda lot at 83 King St., or any of the convenient City car parks located behind the Lightner Museum and adjacent streets. Parking rates vary seasonally.

Florida HIA

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Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association

Florida Attractions